Chinese-language publications

1. Excellence in Explanatory Reporting

Award: 金融時報中文網FT - "我怎麼能算中產" (魏城、FT中文網編輯團隊)

Honorable Mention: 中國新聞週刊 - "都市中心的民主麻煩"(王剛、黃艾禾、陽思齊 袁野、秋風)

FT The entries demonstrated the uniqueness of web media in exploring a controversial issue. Journalists could reach a wider spectrum of readers and draw reaction and interaction among readers and writers over a period of time. The fruitful result is now in the exhibit.

2. Excellence in Feature Writing

Award: 今周刊 - "老丹的英文課" (吳錦勳)

Honorable Mention: 亞洲週刊 - "中國四萬民工賭命以色列" (張翠容)

今周刊: A touching story: cycling for 120km to teach English is a good angle for the feature. The article has illustrated the passion of a young foreigner in Taiwan.

3. Excellence in Human Rights Reporting

Award: 明報周刊 - "我們的農民工"(陳曉蕾)

Honorable Mention: 亞洲週刊 - "中國維權新浪潮,中產階級新博奕(江迅)

明報周刊: A heart-breaking account of the peasant workers’ plight. A poignant in-depth look at a marginal population. Broad coverage yet focused. Style of writing is illustrative and encompassing. Outstanding illustrations by the photographers with very powerful graphics.

4. Excellence in Special Issue/ Special Section

Award: Cheers - "悶世代"

Honorable Mention: 天下雜誌 - "競爭實力 台灣百萬大學生如何由人力變人才"

Cheers: An insightful special issue, well written and packed with real people, exploring the challenges confronting Taiwan university students in the age of globalization. The Special also applied outbound search, to Denmark, Sweden, Mainland China to learn their successful experience.

5. Excellence in Feature Photography

Award: 明報周刊 - "我們的農民工" (黎健倫)

Honorable Mention: 台灣蘋果日報 - "天下圍攻系列"(陳國禎、余志偉、胡瑞麒、廖瑞祥、林永昌、張良一)

明報周刊: A fresh take on a well-told story, using very simple yet powerful images through intimate close-ups of workers at the bottom-rung of the society

6. Excellence in News Photography

Award: 台灣蘋果日報 - "救難突氣爆,七個真英雄" (涂豐駿)

Honorable Mention: 明報月刊 - "為上訪者鳴冤" (杜斌)

台灣蘋果日報: "On-the-spot" sensation from looking at the pictures. Emotions and facial expressions of the characters are well-illustrated. Good arrangements of the photos with intensity.

7. Excellence in Editorial Cartooning

Award: 蘋果日報 - "時薪$8.3可恥待遇" (尊子)

Honorable Mention: 台灣蘋果日報 - "藍支持取代扁 呂爆遭監" (王士銓、陳伯健、謝凌雲、張培青、許振煌、徐仁中、楊棓凱、張秋鴻)

蘋果日報: Sarcastic contrast, deep sadness under happy image.

8. Excellence in Newspaper Design

Award: 台灣蘋果日報

Honorable Mention: 蘋果日報

台灣蘋果日報: The mix of photos, graphics and text presents a sharp impact on the readers. Eye-catching combinations of headlines, pictures, and graphics. The design of the front pages is creative, especially the coverage on Shih Ming-teh. The layout of the design displays strongly the key messages of the news stories. Strong use of the advantages of Chinese language to communicate visual and textual meaning. Even though some of the news was sensational and frankly quite sad (the drowned man in the flood), there was no question that, in the beach rescue story really did make the reader follow the flow of the page as they explained it.

9. Excellence in Magazine Design

Award: 生活 (美術部)

Honorable Mention: 號外 (美術部)

生活: Package design is excellent. It gives readers a surprised feeling, not only a magazine but a gift instead. There is a concept behind the design: it experiments with paper texture, cutting holes into the cover, etc. The July 1 2006 issue cover features a lonely tree, with lots of blank space that allows your imagination to roam.

10. Excellence in Magazine Front Cover Design

Award: 明報周刊 - "留住這風光" (徐青)

Honorable Mention: 亞洲週刊 - "以色列中國民工賭命"(余文生)

明報周刊: A strong and striking cover that captured in one simple image the feeling of a district left over from another time, fully integrating the story's themes into its design. The MPW font done in the same style as the paint on the iron sliding gate is a great way of extending the central idea of the story to the entire cover, and serves as a metaphor for the past and future of the fruit market. The design made very strong use of the unique pictorial nature of the Chinese language, creating visual-linguistic messages that are completely impossible to duplicate in English (or most other languages).

11. Excellence in Business Reporting

Award: 香港經濟日報 - "香港醒醒: 表面風光,內裡陰乾" (曾仲榮、雷建)

Honorable Mention: 天下雜誌 - "台商瞄準13億市場 蜂湧西進卡位苦戰"(熊毅晰、吳昭怡)

香港經濟日報: Simple and lively analysis of the topic from various angles. Sophisticated topic presented in a reader-friendly manner. Comprehensive background information enables readers to grasp the central theme of the series easily.

12. Excellence in Reporting on the Environment

Award: 天下雜誌 - "鎘米問題追蹤 毒水橫流 病土蔓延" (汪文豪、謝明玲)

Honorable Mention: 明報周刊 - "堆填紀事"(陳曉蕾)

天下雜誌: Excellent reporting- an exposure of government and factions’ irresponsibility exposing toxic threats to our everyday meal.

13. Excellence in Opinion Writing

Award: 亞洲週刊 - "揭開學術腐敗, 防止動搖國本" (張潔平、咼中校)

Honorable Mention: 明報 - "程翔系列" (劉進圖)

亞洲週刊: A powerful indictment of the darker side of Chinese academia.

14. Excellence in Public Service Journalism

Award: 天下雜誌 - "珍視台灣" (楊艾俐、汪文豪、莊素玉、刁曼蓬、李雪莉、許芳菊、楊淑娟、蘭麗娟)

Honorable Mention: 明報周刊 - "台灣"調景嶺"回憶的代價" (陳曉蕾)

天下雜誌: A classic demonstration that journalists can be of great help for the advancement of society. An in-depth and comprehensive report that spreads the message for a better Taiwan.

15. Excellence in Reporting Breaking News

Award: 商業周刊 - "聰明壞事" (吳修辰、朱紀中)

Honorable Mention: 今周刊 - "明基李焜燿-認錯" (李書齊)

商業周刊: A thorough analytical piece of a commercial fraud case. Well-written and precise, the article presents an in-depth microscopic view on the main character and the news event itself. These forces fit neatly within the broader political and economic undercurrents at play. Detailed explanations given on the process of using SPV, structured bond issuance and hidden third party firm for the acquisition. The graphic illustration on the timeline and relationship was excellent in enabling readers to capture the main points.

16. The Scoop Award

Award: 明報 - "青海旅客被劏系列" (盧曼思、陸倩盈、張岳弢、何嘉敏、黃雄)

Honorable Mention: 商業周刊 - "沙烏地王子" (吳修辰、楊少強、朱紀中)

明報: Exclusive, quite an achievement considering the difficulty in getting the interview. High resonance from both Hong Kong and Mainland China.

17. Local Journalist Award - Chinese-language

Award: Apple Daily (陳沛敏)

Apple Daily: Ms Chan demonstrated high quality of journalism by re-visiting controversial issues from historical perspective. She went to Japan and Burma to cover the stories. Her articles gave readers a comprehensive review of the historical event - its past and present. Her vigorous efforts to search for proper interviewees, though a very basic principle of journalism, proved important to a news story. She was able to demonstrate her journalistic skills in delivering stories even though she didn’t have the chance to interview anyone of significance to the historical event.