Group C
Chinese-language publications, including Chinese-language websites and wire services.


1. Excellence in Investigative Reporting

Award of Excellence

Entry Title:甕安事件調查-
4.被免職的公安局長: 我所看到的甕安江湖
Comments:Courageous coverage in China! This topic is highly influential, meaningful yet difficult. It conducts an in-depth analysis on the structural problems, not sensational but impressive. Refined language and artwork, stunning photos.

Honourable Mention

Publication:天下雜誌 CommonWealth
Entry Title:破碎的農地 消失的糧食
Comments:In-depth analysis, not just criticisms. Attractive photos and text, thought-provoking.

2. Excellence in Reporting Breaking News

Award of Excellence

Publication:明報 Ming Pao Daily
Entry Title: 四川大地震系列報道
Comments:Well-organised, timely and comprehensive. Some of the anecdotes the reporters collected were truly moving, and reminded me of how traumatic those days were for the victims.

Honourable Mention

Publication:蘋果日報 Apple Daily
Entry Title: 鳳姐連環被殺案
Comments:Proper treatment and prudent from sensationalism. There's no question that there was competition from all newspapers on this breaking story, and there's no question that this publication kept on top of the competition in pulling it off, revealing fresh details and putting it in a juicy package that should be judged on the merits of the product that this publication provides. In that respect, this is exactly what the newspaper does best, and this is an exemplar of that.

3. Excellence in Business Reporting

Award of Excellence

Publication:東方企業家 Asian Business Leaders
Entry Title: 中國制造:野蠻升級
Comments:A thought-provoking perspective of the way forward for the Chinese economy and an in-depth analysis.

Honourable Mention

Publication:財務總監 CFO China
Entry Title: 陰翳遮天
Comments:It touched an issue which had great impact to Mainland, Hong Kong and also Taiwan. The story was in-depth, comprehensive and has some first hand information from the magazine's survey.

4. Excellence in Human Rights Reporting

Award of Excellence

Publication: 遠見雜誌 Global Views Monthly
Entry Title: 撿回來的校長獎
Comments:With thorough investigation and well-written case studies, it provides an in-depth analysis of a social problem and the potential solutions to Taiwan and other developed societies. Readers are well-informed of a problem that could be happening next door.

Honourable Mention

Publication:亞洲週刊 Yazhou Zhoukan
Entry Title: 胡佳現象台前幕後 中國維權最新模式
Comments:The team has been able to demonstrate its capability to expand a story from one breaking point and broaden its analysis into the root. Covering such a topic in China takes great courage and I think the writers should be rewarded for the risk they took.

5. Excellence in Reporting on the Environment

Award of Excellence

Publication:亞洲週刊 Yazhou Zhoukan
Entry Title:成都環保風暴 公民抗議地震帶建石化廠
Comments:Comprehensive, in-depth, shows courage and conviction. The story is an exclusive report on a resistance movement in Chengdu against plans to build a chemical plant in the earthquake zone. Rich in details, the story captured the anger and dedication of the local residents. It also explains the science of pollution, and the danger of building in the earthquake zone. The hero of the story has since been arrested and held in detention.

Honourable Mention

Publication:天下雜誌 CommonWealth
Entry Title:破碎的農地 消失的糧食
Comments:The story is compassionate and informative report on a critical environmental issue of our time, supported by detailed reporting and thorough research.

6. Excellence in Feature Writing

Award of Excellence

Publication:FT 中文網
Entry Title: 《丁學良回望中國改革”三十年”》
Comments:Macroscopic perspective, thorough and in-depth analysis. Well-written.

Honourable Mention

Entry Title: 大案律師的"羅生門"
Comments:Simple language, precise analysis.

7. Excellence in News Photography

Award of Excellence

Publication: 蘋果日報 Apple Daily
Entry Title: 雷曼苦主討血汗錢
Journalist: 黃賢創、鄭逸宇、李家皓、黎樹雄、孔慶初
Comments:Very impressive photos that showed how the demise of an investment bank thousands of miles away affected many ordinary people's lives in this side of the world.

Honourable Mention

Publication:明報 Ming Pao Daily
Entry Title: 回鄉心切
Comments:It is an excellent photo to symbolize the real and instant situation on the news spot. Original compositions, attention-grabbing news, body language on the photos conveys quite a strong message.

8. Excellence in Feature Photography

Award of Excellence

Publication:生活月刋 Life Magazine
Entry Title: 《長江家書》:全景長江+幻影長江+人文長江
Journalist:Kadir van Lohuizen, 馬岭, 顏長江
Comments:Good complementary pictures, interesting and informative.

Honourable Mention

Publication: 蘋果日報 Apple Daily
Entry Title: 水浸上環
Comments:First rate photo finish, no nonsense pictures complement the story.

9. Excellence in Special Issue or Special Section

Award of Excellence

Publication:商業周刊 Business Weekly
Entry Title: 勤樸
Journalist: -
Comments:Apparently, the team has made great effort to make it happen. It is well written and the presentation is easy to digest. A work that reflects the professionalism of the editorial board.

Honourable Mention

Publication:東周刊 Eastweek
Entry Title: 哀悼‧世紀災難
Journalist:東周刊美術部 Eastweek Art Department
Comments:Very emotional story produced with sympathy towards victims of the earthquake. Pictures are appealing and hard to forget.

10. Excellence in Editorial Cartooning

Award of Excellence

Publication:明報 Ming Pao Daily
Entry Title: 嘰嘰格格漫畫
Comments:Creative presentation. First rate, supreme.

Honourable Mention

Publication: 蘋果日報 Apple Daily
Entry Title: 等你一票
Comments:Simple, but it explains the political situation.

11. Excellence in Information Graphics

Award of Excellence

Publication:蘋果日報 Apple Daily
Entry Title: 四川大地震專版之震散豆腐渣教學樓
Comments:Good graphic simulation of the structural issues during earthquake.

Honourable Mention

Publication:東周刊 Eastweek
Entry Title: 驚世巨建解構
Journalist: 周刊美術部 Eastweek Art Deparement
Comments:Good graphic presentation of data, information and knowledge.

12. Excellence in Newspaper Design

Honourable Mention

Publication:蘋果日報 Apple Daily
Entry Title: 7死14失蹤 1颱斷6橋 山崩埋8車
Comments:The collapse of the highway image is used very effectively across the two pages. It shows an angle that helps explain the disaster very well.

13. Excellence in Magazine Design

Award of Excellence

Publication:City Magazine
Entry Title:Home想家
Journalist: 《號外》設計部
Comments:Superb photographs used in a creative manner to express a central theme. Simple and elegant execution.

Honourable Mention

Publication:新視線 The Outlook Magazine
Entry Title:奧運特刊
Journalist:《運動最光榮》– 策劃:彭楊軍、陳皎晈; 撰文: 林昱、江楠
《權力建築》– 策劃:彭楊軍、陳晈晈, 撰文:黎詩話、王思及、胡續冬、趙思奇
《決戰奧林匹亞》– 攝影:Eugenio Recuenco
Comments:A creative presentation of the Olympics story with historical and images. Visually stunning and exuding a sense of excitement and occasion commensurate with the scale and importance of the event.

14. The Scoop Award

Award of Excellence

Publication: 明報 Ming Pao Daily
Entry Title: 淫審條例受挑戰 執法機構錯告人
Comments:Has great social impact, monitors the government and protects people's rights. This report brought up new evidence to challenge police's "established" practices and procedures of prosecuting a person on charge of releasing obscene articles. After this report, police revised their prosecuting procedures and human rights to be better protected.

Honourable Mention

Publication: 明報 Ming Pao Daily
Entry Title: 明報格價網:超市格價系列
Comments:The report demonstrated the finest of journalism. Lies and misleading advertisings for big commercial interests could not fool the eyes of the journalist.

15. Journalist of the Year

Award of Excellence

Publication:亞洲週刊 Yazhou Zhoukan
Comments:Outstanding exclusive interviews allow readers to understand first-hand information behind the news scene.


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