2010 Award Winners
Group C
Chinese-language publications, including Chinese-language websites and wire services. Independent online publications in Chinese.


1. Excellence in Investigative Reporting

Award for Excellence

Publication:亞洲週刊 Yazhou Zhoukan
Entry Title:四川宣傳幹部馮翔之死幕後
Comments:Unique approach to earthquake coverage and sensational writing, recapturing the life of a little known man and his very touching story. The well-written article illustrated the final days of an honest Chinese bureaucrat whose faith for life was lost to the devastating earthquake.

Honorable Mention

Publication:明報 Ming Pao Daily News
Entry Title:圖則證川校豆腐渣
Comments:It provided indisputable evidence that proves an undoubted fact -- corruption is killing innocent lives in China. Sustained, courageous efforts to uncover the truth behind the news story.

2. Excellence in Reporting Breaking News

Award for Excellence

Publication:天下雜誌 CommonWealth Magazine
Entry Title:要命的水
Comments:This kind of speedy and in-depth coverage of breaking news is rarely seen in magazines where the publication frequency is longer. It highlighted the professionalism of the magazine's reporting and editorial teams. Detailed analysis.

Honorable Mention

Publication:商業周刊 Business Weekly
Entry Title:政府不出手 高鐵撐不過冬天
Comments:Reported a significant breaking news event - the world's most absurd BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer) case. In-depth financial coverage, detailed, profound analysis. In Taiwan where the administration power had weakened, this piece highlighted the media's role as the public voice.

3. Excellence in Business Reporting

Award for Excellence

Publication:天下雜誌 CommonWealth Magazine
Entry Title:人民幣來了!
Comments:Important trend topic, solid reporting effort, presentation of balanced views, with a greater focus on Asia. Excellent research and roundup.

Honorable Mention

Publication:FT中文網 FTChinese.com
Entry Title:中國公司觀察
Comments:An exceptional work on politics and economics with case studies and theories, strong arguments, touching context. Short and "sexy" and daring.

4. Excellence in Human Rights Reporting

Award for Excellence

Publication:亞洲週刊 Yazhou Zhoukan
Entry Title:艾未未們維權拒絕悲情
Comments:The story revealed the difficulties Ai Weiwei and the weiquan activists faced in China. A poignant portrait of the activists and the weiquan movement.

Honorable Mention

Publication:亞洲週刊 Yazhou Zhoukan
Entry Title:台灣26萬大陸新娘拒絕二等公民命運
Comments:The mainland brides who tied the knot with Taiwanese men wanted to combat the fate of second-class citizens in Taiwan. Some 260,000 lives were closely linked to their human rights. In-depth reporting.

5. Excellence in Reporting on the Environment

Award for Excellence

Publication:自由時報 The Liberty Times
Entry Title:煙囪裡的秘密 -- 台灣六輕麥寮高罹癌率大追蹤
Comments:A worthy scoop on man-made hazards that, potentially, put tens of thousands of people at risk. There's substance also in the follow-ups – for example the second study reinforcing the conclusions of the first and adding a hint of a possible hush-up attempt, plus the interviews with various interested parties. They amount to a good-faith effort at solid, responsible journalism. Broke major new ground. Comprehensive angles, timely and detailed reporting under very difficult circumstances. Great impact on governmental policies.

Honorable Mention

Publication:亞洲週刊 Yazhou Zhoukan
Entry Title:保衛南京古都街區對抗房地產暴利
Comments:Polished writing. The conflict between development and historic preservation comes to life in this tale of greed and lawlessness. Outstanding investigative reporting that was thought-provoking and touching.

6. Excellence in Feature Writing

Award for Excellence

Publication:Cheers雜誌 Cheers Magazine
Entry Title:改變,敢變
Comments:Enlightening, thorough and moving cases. Concise, persuasive, each case highlighted its "change" formula and educational value. How to make change in daily lives was inspirational to the readers. The series featured excellent writing, well-organized presentation, high reference value and readability.

Honorable Mention

Publication:信報財經月刊 Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly
Entry Title:六四二十周年祭
Comments:Extensive coverage with unique perspectives. More commentary than reporting, but perceptive.

7. Excellence in Opinion Writing

Award for Excellence

Publication:《華爾街日報》中文網 Chinese.wsj.com
Entry Title:"財經點評"專欄
Comments:Thought-provoking opinion, great analysis and good writing skills. A good opinion piece should make good points, analyze and comment on the facts in a clean, easy-to-understand and coherent manner. It is even more so with financial topics. The articles fit in the above requirements. Well written, solidly researched and highly readable. These columns are outstanding whether as examples of analytical or business journalism.

8. Excellence in News Photography

Award for Excellence

Publication:蘋果日報 Apple Daily Hong Kong
Entry Title:人類豬流感系列
Comments:The photos depicted the swine flu epidemic in Hong Kong, including snapshots inside and outside the hotel, the anxiety and optimism of people being quarantined, and the enthusiastic support from other people. They reflected the solidarity of mankind, irrespective of geographical location and race. Two different worlds separated by a glass wall.

Honorable Mention

Publication:蘋果日報 Apple Daily Taiwan
Entry Title:囚裡放風 陳水扁好開心
Comments:It was not easy for the photographer to wait many days in order to capture the scenes of Chen Shui-bian's exercise regimes and facial expressions wearing uniforms of the Detention Center. The photos can be associated with Chinese history and politics, power, ups and downs in one's life. Great exclusive photos that everyone wants to see.

9. Excellence in Feature Photography

Award for Excellence

Publication:新視綫 The Outlook Magazine
Entry Title:My sense of being 艾未未:我的存在感
Comments:Great, meaningful portrait. Artist on Artist. Sharp and humorous. Give me more of this! Pictures should tell a story, that's it!

Honorable Mention

Publication:天下雜誌 CommonWealth Magazine
Entry Title:要命的水
Comments:Skilful news photo with frontline perspective. Nice compilation of series of photos with great detail and focus. Varieties are excellent!

10. Excellence in Special Coverage

Award for Excellence

Publication:MING明日風尚 MING
Entry Title:張愛玲 Detached
Comments:Excellent presentation with nostalgic elements. Beautifully designed.

Honorable Mention

Publication:生活月刊 Life Magazine
Entry Title:《新青年》別冊
Comments:Comprehensive coverage with excellent presentation. This special section is really special: everything has been created as a coherent, unified whole, from the writing, typography and artwork to the layout and even printing; good writing, great design.

11. Excellence in Editorial Cartooning

Award for Excellence

Publication:亞洲週刊 Yazhou Zhoukan
Entry Title:美國經濟復甦氣球
Comments:Clear message, good drawing. Precise and to-the-point. Stark contrast.

Honorable Mention

Publication:頭條日報 Headline Daily
Entry Title:一家團聚
Journalist:Sing Tao Daily Art Department
Comments:Creative and satirical. Ingenious conception.

12. Excellence in Information Graphics

Award for Excellence

Publication:蘋果日報 Apple Daily Hong Kong
Entry Title:旺角小巴衝上行人路兩死八傷車禍
Comments:Good integration of map and graphic. Realistic recreation of the scene. An excellent example of telling the story with high impact visuals.

Honorable Mention

Publication:蘋果日報 Apple Daily Taiwan
Entry Title:鐵皮屋堵生路
Comments:Graphic told the story of fire clearly, fulfilling the role of text journalism. Good effort.

13. Excellence in Newspaper Design

Award for Excellence

Publication:星島日報(海外版) Sing Tao Daily (Overseas)
Entry Title:中華人民共和國成立60周年特輯
Journalist:Sing Tao Daily Art Department
Comments:The package was well thought out and executed. Thoughtful design, clever mix of different visual elements like photos, graphics and illustrations. Rich in history and dynamic in presentation. The layout and graphic designs were full of heritage, especially special images, infographics and pictures relating to each historical topic that helped readers understand the content. A lot of hard work by the team to showcase the changes in China over the past 60 years.

Honorable Mention

Publication:蘋果日報 Apple Daily Taiwan
Entry Title:惡水無情 人間有愛
Comments:The newspaper used powerful photos, eye-catching headlines and clear charts to demonstrate the catastrophic disaster. The overall effect was powerful. The heading was not only eye-catching, but also humane and touching. Photos and texts were well balanced.

14. Excellence in Magazine Design

Award for Excellence

Publication:MING明日風尚 MING
Entry Title:京都 Forever Young
Journalist: 陸智昌
Comments:The overall design was very simple and refined which blended perfectly with Kyoto's ambience. It allowed readers to experience the aura of the ancient capital - creative, delicate, energetic and unique. Photos were properly chosen, so that the abundant number of photos would not make the space crammed. Rich colors in a harmonious fashion. The balance of various elements highlighted the ultimate in design skills.

Honorable Mention

Publication:生活月刊 Life Magazine
Entry Title:人間喜劇
Journalist:劉野 / 《生活月刊》設計部 / Karl Lagerfeld、Hedi Slimane、Christian Lacroix 等
Comments:Clear, stylish theme. Visually appealing with fresh perspective. Attractive design that echoed the theme. Dramatic photo editing was unique in style.

15. Excellence in Multimedia News Presentation

Award for Excellence

Publication:天下雜誌 CommonWealth Magazine
Entry Title:超越 60
Journalist: 《天下雜誌》
Comments:Excellent reporting. Multi-angle, multi-dimensional story telling. Effective social media outreach and most importantly, a story with significance. Very comprehensive coverage and explored a lot of different angles. A very good attempt to present a serious topic in an interesting way by using multimedia. The overall package reflected comprehensive planning, careful execution and seamless coordination of the team.

16. The Scoop Award

Award for Excellence

Publication:信報財經新聞 Hong Kong Economic Journal
Entry Title: 深圳市市長許宗衡下馬
Comments:Reporting the political situation of Mainland China used to be Hong Kong newspapers' area of expertise, but this kind of reporting has declined in recent years. As such the scoop of Xu Zongheng's dismissal is a rarity. Fantastic exclusive news in an extremely harsh reporting environment.

Honorable Mention

Publication:亞洲週刊 Yazhou Zhoukan
Entry Title: 黃雀行動背後港人捨命救危內情
Comments:On the 20th anniversary of the "June 4" incident, the protagonist of the "Operation Yellowbird" revealed the inside story for the first time, leaving a historical record. Juicy story for an important event.

17. Journalist of the Year

Award for Excellence

Publication:亞洲週刊 Yazhou Zhoukan
Comments:Courageous coverage on issues relating to the Mainland China government, dogged reporting with professional attitude. In-depth reports on sensitive subjects.


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