Group A is for Regional / Large Publication
Regional newspapers, large magazines and wire services published
in English
1. Excellence in Explanatory Reporting
Honorable Mention: International
Herald Tribune - "Delhi's Transformation"
Comment: India and its capital, the talk and walk of the economic
world, revealed in social depth. The stories cover key aspects of
the day-to-day aspects of life in a fast-growing metropolis, in
an engaging but serious way. A well researched, well explained,
diverse selection of stories that really got to the heart of the
real Delhi in all its complicated glory from the people on the ground.
Award: TIME Asia - "Beyond
Comment: Yet more insight into a potent global force that much
of the rest of the world community still struggles to understand.
An impressively lucid treatment of a complex and important topic
that blended good contemporary reportage with insightful but not
heavy-handed use of history to provide context. The reporter also
did a good job of drawing out the nuances of Islam in the three
countries covered - India, Pakistan and Bangladesh - which share
many aspects of culture but where Islam has developed quite differently.
The standout as it was jam packed full of information, explained
in a simple yet cerebral way, and it¡¦s a complex, emotive and hugely
important subject. The graphics were also extent.
2. Excellence in Feature Writing
Honorable Mention: The Financial
Times - "China Politics"
Comment: A series written with great style that gives readers a
real idea off how China's leadership works
Award: Business Week - "The Trouble
with India & Broken China"
Comment: Provides compelling new insights into a well covered story
3. Excellence Human Rights Reporting
Honorable Mention: Financial
Times - "North Korea"
Comment: An excellent overview of one of the great unknowns that
must be closely observed in Asia. Good reporting and analysis of
key issues from different sides. It has taken a long time for the
FT to tackle this issue and report on the plight of the refuges
in China. This was another example of a journalist supplying excellent
insight about a notoriously difficult subject. The reporter has
clearly gotten to know her story, and was able to give the reader
a detailed view of North Korea from a variety of angles.
Award: International Herald Tribune
- "Inside Myanmar"
Comment: Beautifully, bravely written. Exemplary choice of viewpoints.
Very strong vivid reporting, original insights from a strong variety
of sources, giving different angles of a big story and personalizing
it. Vivid portrayals of the different actors in this tragic drama
that stuck in the mind. A remarkable job of obtaining and communicating
detailed information in what must have been horrendously difficult
and dangerous conditions. It's surprising that the reporter was
able to talk to so many people when the authorities must have been
watching everyone, citizen and tourists.
4. Excellence in Special Issue/ Special Section
Honorable Mention: Financial
Times - "India at 60"
Comment: An excellent, highly readable analysis. Multiple views
¡V including historical perspective provided by William Dalrymple
¡V capture a country in which ostentation and growth vie with populations
officially known as "Other Backward Classes."
Award: TIME Asia - "Hong Kong
10th Anniversary Issue"
Comment: An excellent, highly targeted analysis of the many changes
- subtle as well as general - that have take place over the decade.
Well written and cleanly designed, this package captures both the
dynamism and the enduring Chinese-ness of this "pulsating organism."
The continuing dance with the mother, mainland and the rise of an
Asian expat community are clearly conveyed. There's historical perspective
as well as the look ahead in this take on a Hong Kong that is "excited,
acute, pushy, ceaselessly on the make".
5. Excellence in Feature Photography
Honorable Mention: Newsweek
- "Honor Thy Father"
Comment: Arresting, beautiful as well as weird images best display
the story theme. Wonderfully poignant, surreal, images leave you
wondering if such a place really exists in this world.
Award: International Herald Tribune
- "Citizens of Nowhere"
Comments: These superb shots from photographer Greg Constantine
capture the heart of the story in images that mesh both news and
art. The images are all strong, and each one is composed to clearly
illustrate the issues. Arresting, beautiful as well as weird images
best display the story theme.
6. Excellence in News Photography
Honorable Mention: Bloomberg
News - "Bhutto"
Comment: Stunning images, striking moments
Award: TIME Asia - "Burmese Days"
Comment: Moody pictures after the pro-democracy protests.
7. Excellence in Newspaper Design
Award: Financial Times
Comment: The front page and section fronts are inviting and intelligent.
The FT Weekend section fronts and inside pages are wonderful, with
inviting features on their front pages and internal stuff that is
witty and tastefully designed. It's a splendid newspaper.
8. Excellence in Magazine Design
Honorable Mention: TIME Asia
- "Best of Asia / India 60th Special / HK 10th Anniversary issue"
Comment: The images are strong enough to overcome a somewhat dry
design template. Clean design moves from a chunked front of the
book to ample photo displays. Thoughtful mix of information graphics
and typography make this once dowdy magazine the leader of the weekly
pack. Put significant intelligence into design for reader appeal.
Award: Her World - "The Best
of Beauty / Get Your Man / Obsessorise!"
Comment: Lively layout with contemporary, punchy use of photography.
Still looks like it is really stretching resources to build the
magazine, but a creditable personality and flow. Well used white
space allows for clean contemporary look.
9. Excellence in Magazine Front Cover Design
Honorable Mention: TIME Asia
- "Japan's Open Door"
Comment: clever idea, brilliantly executed. Like the way the circle
goes over the Time branding. Like the clean white background and
the subhead is clean, and to the point.
Award: The Wall Street Journal
Asia - "Asia's Highlands"
Comment: Very inviting, make captures the essence of the hill station.
10. Excellence in Business Reporting
Honorable Mention: International
Herald Tribune - "Outsourcing, Revisited"
Comment: This series of articles on the many aspects of a single
topic - outsourcing to India - shows how a resourceful and creative
journalist can milk a topic successfully, breaking it down and looking
in turn at a number of aspects, providing depth through the growing
grasp of the subject the journalist gains as the series progresses.
Award: TIME Asia - "The Sopranos
Comments: This stood out above all the rest as an impressive piece
of investigative working piecing together difficult information
about a very closed state. The work done, the result of a two months'
investigation, represents a step forward understanding the clandestine
and criminal dealings of the North Korean state. An ambitious project
which seeks to break open some of the secrecy surrounding the financing
of the North Korean state.
11. Excellence in Reporting on the Environment
Honorable Mention: The Wall Street
Journal Asia - "China's Three Gorges Dam"
Comment: Gives a new perspective to the controversial project.
Award: International Herald Tribune
- "Choking on Growth" Series
12. Excellence in Opinion Writing
Honorable Mention: Financial
Times - "South Asia"
Comment: The reporter demonstrates a convincing grasp of the Sucontinent's
complexities. He mixes a compelling analysis with some deft, well-crafted
touches that make his column both readable and informative.
The articles are crisp, punchy, and tight. He handles the complexity
of issues deftly - all the time explaining, highlighting nuances.
Johnson keeps the reader engaged and riveted on the unfolding logic
of his analysis, an effective columnist.
Award: Financial Times - "China"
Comment: The best entry by far. The reporter writes with authority
and insight, connecting up the dots between the current events and
the fundamental problems besetting China in the throes of historic
economic change.
The reporter writes thoughtfully, intelligently, and elegantly.
What sets him apart is that he situates issues within a context.
He brings different angles of a story together and underscores their
relationships. The reader is given not only the big picture but
a sharper and much more illuminating version of reality.
13. Excellence in Public Service Journalism
Honorable Mention: International
Herald Tribune - "China's product safety record exposed"
Comment: Two stories in this series of six: the suicide of a toy
factory owner in Foshan, and the story of the reformer who gave
in to graft are notable for a providing insight into the social
and economic pressures that have led to product safety scandals.
Award: The Wall Street Journal
Asia - "China's Three Gorges Dam"
Comment: In depth and vivid powerful reporting, the result of considerable
investigative work. The profile of environmental activist Dai Qing,
China's role in dam building across the world, and the Canada's
involvement in the Three.
14. Excellence in Reporting of Breaking News
Honorable Mention: International
Herald Tribune - "Crackdown in Myanmar"
Comment: Mydans has years of experience covering Southeast Asia,
and it showed - to the reader's advantage - in the way he added
depth and context to a story that he was forced to cover from afar.
There were some really good pieces here. My problem with the Times'
reporting on this story was that it was all done from Thailand.
One of the stories mentioned that foreign journalists weren't being
allowed in. But Time got in and Reuters covered it on the ground,
as well.
Award: TIME Asia - "Burmese Days:
A Rangoon Diary"
Comment: The reporter brought the reader directly and vividly into
a scene that in other cases was by necessity pieced together second-hand
from eye-witness accounts, images on the Internet, and interviews
with analysts. First-person, subjective reporting doesn't often
win journalism contests but I thought this piece deserved to. As
a reader I'm capable of filtering for this guy's biases; what I
get in return are insights into the people living this story that
I got nowhere else.
15. The Scoop Award
Honorable Mention: TIME Asia
- "Red Mosque"
Comment: Catches the role of women during a fiery battle to defend
the mosque. Having the fortune (or misfortune) to be inside, the
reporter produced a captivating story and gave insight into the
minds of those present. In contrast to the usual portrayals of the
role of women in Muslim societies - which often stereotype Muslim
women as 'victims,' - the story was a breath of fresh air. A story
that offers a unique and courageous look inside a controversial
mosque in the pitch of battle with authorities, giving insights
not only about the conflict between radical religious members and
the Pakistani government but also about the hearts and minds of
the women sworn to die for their beliefs.
Award: The Wall Street Journal
Asia - "China's Three Gorges Dam"
Comment: An important story that persuasively documented the heavy
environmental and social costs of this massive infrastructure in
China and prompted the Chinese government to action. Detailed on-the-ground
reportage of a large-scale environmental problem, which revealed
significant new facts and led to a swift and meaningful response
by the Chinese government.