Group C is for Chinese-language publications
1. Excellence in Explanatory Reporting
Honorable Mention: 康健雜誌 (Common
Health) - "2007健康城市調查:那個城市對老人最友善?"
Comment: This is a very outstanding survey of social issues. Very
professional investigative method and excellent team work.
Award: 南方人物周刊 (Southern People
Weekly) - "兩個礦工的生還奇蹟"
Comment: Despite the strict restriction on freedom of speech, Nanfang
People Weekly has been striving to reveal the real life of people
in Mainland China. By describing the struggle of miners in a mine
accident. The Miracle Survival of Two Miners has uncovered the hardship
miners have been suffering from and criticized the government who
has not acting as responsible. Excellent expose of the mining industry
through poignant individual stories.
2. Excellence in Feature Writing
Honorable Mention: 明報 Ming Pao
Daily - "回歸十年系列"
Comment: Write with new angle and give an all around account for
the changes during the 10 years. Detailed and nicely match with
good photos.
Award: 商業周刊Business Weekly -
"快樂國- 不丹"
Comment: Brings new concept to the Taiwan society. The topic brings
about the re-examination of oneself.
3. Excellence Human Rights Reporting
Honorable Mention: 亞洲週刊 Yazhou
Zhoukan - "高耀潔赴美,胡佳網絡建功"
Comment: A report on latest movements of mainland rights-upholders
who have been fighting for human rights.
Award: 亞洲週刊 Yazhou Zhoukan -
Comment: A report full of humanism, uncovered the existing human
right issue in the mainland, by revealing the truth.
4. Excellence in Special Issue/ Special Section
Honorable Mention: 天下雜誌 (Common
Wealth) - "獨立與探索"
Comment: A bold topic covers extensive area of reporting. Very
Award: 生活月刊 - "重走梁思成之路"
Comments: Yesterday's grandeur starkly juxtaposed against today's
challenges; exquisite and touching.
5. Excellence in Feature Photography
Honorable Mention: 明報 Ming Pao
Daily - "皇后碼頭最後時光"
Comment: Seat of pictures captured the poignant moments of the
sit-in, with the emotions of the participants: hopeful, determined
and turned out.
Award: 明報周刊 Ming Pao Weekly -
"巴馬長壽村 - 十年重訪記"
Comment: Creative photos to give holistic sense of village life.
The photos bring out the stories.
6. Excellence in News Photography
Honorable Mention: 亞洲周刊 Yazhou
Zhoukan - "澳門民怨沸騰, 暗藏七大危機"
Comment: Forceful and impressive photos.
Award: 蘋果日報 Apple Daily - "朱培慶獵艷驚惶躲避"
Comment: Being able to capture the moment of action with excellent
contrast: male vs. female; an official vs. club girl; composed vs
disconcerted; straight out vs. hypocritical.
7. Excellence in Editorial Cartooning - Group C & B only
Honorable Mention: 明報周刊 Ming
Pao Weekly - "漫畫生活-做假"
Comment: The color and format is simple yet strong. Message is
obvious well illustrated.
Award: 蘋果日報 Apple Daily - "塗鴉的頑童"
Comment: simple message bring out the whole theme. Catchy and impressive.
8. Excellence in Newspaper Design
Honorable Mention: 明報 Ming Pao
Daily - "回歸十周年/財政預算案"
Comment: Neat and clear
Award: 蘋果日報 Apple Daily - "1)列車爆炸
2)馬場驚天大陰謀 3)龔如心病逝"
Comment: Good planning and illustration.
9. Excellence in Magazine Design
Honorable Mention: 號外City Magazine
- "進念 - 香港實驗 / 周潤發 - 拾閱私相簿 / 劉青雲 - 要神定要探"
Comment: Very special, full of Bohenian mood. A nice balance of
space and color.
Award: 商業周刊 Business Weekly -
"快樂國 - 不丹 / 沒有成績單的第一名 / 全球暖化 燒掉你的錢"
Comment: Photos are very good. Edgy and bring out the main theme.
10. Excellence in Magazine Front Cover Design
Honorable Mention: 生活月刊 Life
Magazine - "沿海中國 The China Seashore"
Comment: Powerful and Modern
Award: 晨刊 West East - "東成西就 Culture
Comment: Detailed and nicely designed.
11. Excellence in Business Reporting
Honorable Mention: 天下雜誌 Common
Wealth - "低調拳王 奇襲全球:台灣IC設計 世界不能沒有他們"
Comment: Provides a panoramic view of a very promising industry.
Also illustrate an important industry development in Taiwan. Comprehensive
courage with interesting anecdotes. Tell readers a successful Taiwan
story which people may ignore.
Award: 遠見雜誌Global Views Monthly
- "全球飇機場: 通往大未來的機會"
Comment: Very good comparative analysis of an interesting industry.
Unique perspective news you can use. Excellent report in a land
where press freedom doesn't always prevail. Global view, full of
12. Excellence in Reporting on the Environment
Honorable Mention: 天下雜誌 Common
Wealth - "全球暖化 台灣不願面對的真相"
Comment: Well-researched and stimulating. Pictures and info-graphics
are the key winning factor. Many aspect of global warming are discussed.
However, slightly lack of focus may weaken the piece.
Award: 亞洲週刊 Yazhou Zhoukan -
Comment: Provocative topic. Various angle to cover the issue, careful
analysis. Yazhou Zhoukan's environment report has gone beyond the
usual scope within the environment. By elevating the angle to political,
the report is able to present a comprehensive coverage on the inter-connectivity
of environment, economy and politics.
13. Excellence in Opinion Writing
Honorable Mention: 明報月刊 Ming
Pao Monthly - "台灣選民的理性與感性-從北高市長選舉看台灣民主"
Comment: A thoughtful analysis of democracy in Taiwan.
Award: FT 中文网 -
"北京的10月 Beijing In October"
Comment: A depiction of China and its ruling party at a political
crossroads; subtle and elegant. A fine piece of writing: poetic,
political and provocative.
14. Excellence in Public Service Journalism
Honorable Mention: 明報週刊 Ming
Pao Weekly - "香港公共空間 你所不知道的二三事"
Comment: Creative and vivid description with good discussion. Should
have given more constructive resolution
Award: 天下雜誌 Common Wealth - "全球暖化
Comment: Precisely point out how the Taiwanese runaway from the
problem and quote good suggestion for problem solving.
15. Excellence in Reporting of Breaking News
Honorable Mention: 明報 Ming Pao
Daily - "保衛皇后碼頭 Protect the Queen's Pier"
Comment: Detail report with excellent photos. Catching the moment
of "de-colonization" in Hong Kong.
Award: 商業周刊 Business Weekly -
"名駒遇到狼 When a Horse run into a Wolf"
Comment: Stunning story. Revealing the threats and traps the Taiwan
business encounter in Mainland.
16. The Scoop Award
Honorable Mention: 亞洲週刊 Yazhou
Zhoukan - "西藏談判僵局,達賴特使密晤京官內情"
Comment: Yazhou Zhoukan's scoop on negotiations between Beijing
and the Dalai Lama won by its detailed presentation and well-illustrated
pictures. Very comprehensive. Took good care of the balance. Would
be perfect if could present some Chinese governemnt's side of story.
Yazhou Zhoukan scooped the rest of the media by presenting a detailed
picture of negotiations between Beijing and the Dalai Lama; story
was sensitively done with a profusion of color and shade.
Award: 明報 Ming Pao Daily - "曾慶紅退休
The Retirement of Zheng Qing Hong"
Comment: The reporting team from Mingpao must have worked extremely
hard and forged close relationship with people close to the top
Chinese leaders. Moreover, all the details in the scoop were confirmed
by the later development. Perfect scoop! A clean scoop, of some
importance locally. Of course, Ming Pao makes it clear in the story
that the implications are quite limited, and it was not unexpected
that he would retire since he was already above the retiring age,
but still a worthy entry. Ming Pao performed valuable service by
its early reporting of the personnel changes at the 17th Party Congress;
this report was widely quoted by other media.